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42-44 spencer avenue, maketu 3189
New Zealand

Crotalus ruber is a venomous pitviper species found in southwestern California in the United States and Baja California in Mexico. Three subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.[3]

How did the show go last night, he asked?


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No major glitches? A few minor ones, how was the internet show?  Did you get the exclusive pictures I sent you babe? What? Exclusive Photo from last nights show! Black Jesus, Amen Fashion. We're on the right track baby. Not even a live song, he said. Thanks. Did you tweet them maybe, I'll check.

 If I knew the time it would be on I would have stayed up, but you are five hours behind, and I had to be up at eight so I went to bed at 4.00. 

 $10 million babe, he said. What's 10 million I asked? Again, he said? Gaga, didn't I tell you I'm giving you $2 million a show, including the dress rehersal. From where? From the 700 million a month I get from european internet he said, plus I wrote Riding the Bullet and Bag of Bones.

I was a rattlesnake once, he said. That's hard to believe I told him. Yes, and I remember looking after my old mother, Mary, getting her food and making sure she had a warm rock to warm up on in front of our little cave. Another life time I was an eagle, and hunted rattlesnakes for food. I'd give them a last flight as they  tried to curl around my feet to bite me. You can tell if they are a kind or an evil spirit.      more



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