"It all began in school. It was probaly when I was about 6, maybe less, and still not sure what I wanted to do with my life, but I loved to sing and one day I was singing along with my hairbrush in my hand dressed in my mother's clothes and high heels, with her lipstick and whipped cream all over my face when she came home from church unexpectedly, so I was "

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Shaolin Dragon tattoo


My poor baby, he txt me, I'm sorry about that. I was so excite, here he is calln me his baby I wanit my whole life for that. What's this? I txt him back. What you go'in on bout now? Those pictures of you with Elton. Is he hitting you up for money again? I know what he's like. I saw him in London in 1976, in a concert in Hyde Park with Kiki Dee, and he was just begging for pennies. No, he was just calin me to say hi. He's a good mate, I said. Okay, but don't give him any if he asks, he said.

What you been doing, I asked? Oh, just catching up with some of my Shaolin Temple (2:00 + 4:22) mates he said. They made a new video, do you want to see it? There's a formation spelling the word sun, for SUN Microsystems, the owner of the JavaScript Mozilla web browser. They have free copies, but everyone else has to pay £100, he said.  Not right now, I said, I'm busy with this new gig we're rehersing for.

How's it going, he asked? Good. Fine, I said. How's Mrs Stewart? Who? Your friend Mrs Stewart, you know, Gus and Christina's daughter. Didn't you go to her wedding in Samoa recently? Oh, her I said. How come you weren't there? I wasn't invited he said. No, I didn't go in the end either. It was a bit too far. Is she still working in her folks garage? He asked? No I think she's stopped now, I said. Any sign of a family on the way, he asked. Not that I know of, I said, I don't talk to her all that often. No me neither, he said, but I see her dad quite a lot still, every time I need my car repaired.

How's Oprah, he asked? Good, fine, I said. I've jus bn on her show. Yes, I know I saw you. Did she offer to buy you a new car? No she didn't offer it, I said. No she never bought me one either. She's good friends with Michelle Obama, he said. No I didn't know that I said. You know I sometimes think she's lost the plot he said. Sometimes when you talk to her it's as though there is nobody home. No she seemed fine, I said.




Last night drank in bedroom, friends cheered + I did my routine for Black Jesus! I used to do this my parents when I was 12. Still a ham. ♥


 Who were you referring to in that "KILL THE BITCH'" comment on your page he asked? Guess, I said. No idea, I said. Were you drunk? Probably, I said. And you entertained Black Jesus in your bedroom while friends cheered? Was it something he said? Possibly, I said. I understand, he said. And you felt better afterwards, but regretted because you were drunk at the time. I'm not sure I said. We often do things we regret when we are drunk, he said. There's one bitch I'd like to kill, he said. Who's that? I was curious. He didn't strike me as the sort who'd be capable of killing anyone. Camilla. Camilla who, Parker Bowles, I said. Yeah that's the bitch. How do you know her, I said? Oh, we ysed to be married in a former life, he said. You think you were Parker Bowles in a former life, I asked. No, I don't think I was, I was. It was over 2,000 years ago in my timeline, but it definitely happened. I don't see how, I said. I think you may be fruit loops. That's what makes me unique, he said. I can simultaneously be two different people without changing, whareas if you could be two different people, you would have to change bodies from one to another. And this is some of your Buddhist philosophy from teh Shaolin Temple is it? Thank you for indulging me he said, I know you can't be too interestd in this stuff, but it is one of the reasons they're scared of me. They are I said. They know from my clothes, you can see them on my facebook page, that I'm more powerful than any of them, and frankly they are all very frightening killing machines. The say 1 warrior is worth 1,000  ordinary men. In fact two warriors once killed an entire Roman battalion. How many is that? Well over 1,000, he said. How would you kill me, I said? I wouldn't kill the one I love, I said, but if I did it would probably through the agony of grief. Have you ever been in love? Not recently I said. Don't try it, he said. If teh one you truly love betrays you it can be extremely painful, but love is rare, it seldom ever happens. Lots of women flatter themselves that they can make a man love them, but most men cannot come close to comprehending what love is, let alone experiencing it. Men enjoy winning women from other men. That is how they express their love of men, but it has nothing to do with feeling love. All they feel is the satisfaction of possessing something. It is simply a goal to be achieved. I'd have thought women would know that. Perhaps they know it but don't have the words to express the feeling, I said. Yes women have come to literature relatively recently in their history, he agreed. Men have had it for thousands of years. That's not fair, I said. No it isn't he agreed. True happiness is to be found within the Shaolin Temple, even though it means leaving your mother and father. It sounds horrible to me, I said. It isn't he replied, remember in the past a lot of boys had no true parents anyway. They are a lot happier than you cna ever be, and I have memories of it. I'm happy for you I said.

Who the hell is that, I txtd him when I woke up? Who, he txt back pretending to be innocent. On your page, I saw when I woke up. I'm not sure, isn't it you, he ask? No. Js sombdy I copied from facebook. Maybe it's your sister. What colour are her eyes? I'm not telling you, I say. Do you like my sister? It wouldn't be the first time, I mean I like you much better, I always have he said. That's the right answer, I txt back. Well you know it's true, he say. You shouldn't even be thinking about my sister, I say. When did you start caring, he say. As long as you are there I can't see the harm in it. You want to take turns with us, I ask him. Jesus Christ, he txt baxk quickly, there is a limit to what a guy can take, you know, And a girl too, I ask him? If a girl have green eyes, does it mean she is jealous by nature, I ask you, he asked me? Is it a riddle, I txt him? No it a game, he come back. You have to believe me I have been fully trained to control my emotions and feelings. To let your emotions control you is dangerous. And you think I have emotions, I ask him? No he say, you are just a performing baby doll, you are not a real person. Thank you, I say, bt I can make you feel anything I like? You believe that, he ask? My hand would stretch from your elbow to your palm. You are a baby doll. It was a long time I signed away all my rights, and do only what God wants me to do, because I know that without God I can't even remember my name, but with God anything  is possible. It would be nice if you'd remember my name sometime,  I txt him. You have so many, he say. That's enough of this nonsense, I say, you stay away from my sister. No worries there, I say, she's a blondie, isn't she? I don't think she like men too much, she like you.

Thanks, at least for that, I say.  My point.  more captions


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