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Shocking Revelations

"It all began in school. It was probaly when I was about 6, maybe less, and still not sure what I wanted to do with my life, but I loved to sing and one day I was singing along with my hairbrush in my hand dressed in my mother's clothes and high heels, with her lipstick and whipped cream all over my face when she came home from church unexpectedly, so I was.... "


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baker publishing. books, software, internet, media.

Some say the truth is stranger than fiction. In this case fiction is surely a lot more strange than the truth.
If you are just looking for a gay adventure, try an alternate page.

Been working like a crazy bitch all day. Need to smoke a joint or something; or maybe just a good punch in the face. PROPS PROPS PROPS. a FAN SENT THIS TOE hAUS AND WE ALL DIED LAUGHING ITS SO RAD. #tRUTH #mUST#bEatSHIRT #iDwEARiTeVERYDAY SHIT i LEFT TEH CAPS LOCK ON, i MUST BE OVERTIRED OR TURNING PINK.


There is only ME isn't there. Looking a bit tired here, but that's understandable. It is an old pic of me.

The Born This Way Ball will perform 110 shows around the world. The opening dates are out today, with more annoucements to ensue.




Happy Valentine's Day everyone. If you have someone special, give them a kiss. If you don't, make a voodoo doll of your ex and cast spells. You can see I'm getting negative from all this work, but that is showbiz... They chew you up and just spit you out. How many men is in my league, I ask you?

Valentines day, and nobody gave me nothing. Everyone is so shallow in this business. Do you know the ticket price for my tour is going to be at least $160 a seat. I don't even know how much that adds up to over 111 concerts, and there amay be more if we keep selling tickets at this rate.

There are sooo many people to be paid, and I'm sure there are heaps of scams, and the security. I daon't even know how much I am paying those boys, or even how many are on teh payroll. It is all getting so crazy. What I really need is a stiff drink to escape from all this madness, and the worst thing is, my mum is supposed to be organising wvrything for me, but is off again playing mahjong. I don't even know what that is.


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