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baker publishing. books, software, media.

Some say the truth is stranger than fiction. In this case fiction is surely a lot more strange than the truth.
If you are just looking for a gay adventure, try an alternate page.

What has this to do with Lady Dianna Spencer? Nothing, obviously. She died, like a candle in the wind, snuffed out in a terrible, terrible accident. Carmilla and Charles have the job to do now, and they should get on with it. There is plenty to read about her life. It has all been dredged over hasn't it. Her first marriage to that unfeeling sod  Parker-Bowles, who said to Charles, "Well if you want her, you take her, I won't stand in your way." Men can be so unfeeling sometimes. And Dianna herself. How many books have been written about her, evn by her so-called best friends?


 It all began in school. It was probaly when I was about 9, maybe less, and still not sure what I wanted to do with my life, but I loved to sing and one day I was singing along with my hairbrush in my hand dressed in my mother's clothes and high heels, with her lipstick and whipped cream all over my face when she came home from church unexpectedly, so I was forced to put on an impromptu concert, lip syncing along to some records, like the Rolling Stones, Jumpin Jack Flash, when suddenly she was there in the doorway looking at me.

Anyway she must have been eating some strawberries and whipped cream herself before she went to church, because she still had some whipped cream on her face when she came home. I'm surprised nobody told her, but I figured that they thought it was make-up. So I said, you have whipped cream on the left side of your mouth. And she said, no, it's whipped egg white.

Anyway.  When I was finished, I told her I was going to be a rock star, and I asked her what she thought I should call myself. Quick as a flash, she came up with "Lady Gaga?". I didn't hear what else she said because she turned on her heel and shot into the kitchen. I'm a very positive person. Mum gave me that, so, I thought about it for a while, and yes, that's who I'm going to be, and so, here I am, a star is born. Any critics out there, I'll show you. I'll show all of you. You are going to love me.

Screw it I had too much wine. See You there :) 


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