"It all began in school. It was probaly when I was about 6, maybe less, and still not sure what I wanted to do with my life, but I loved to sing and one day I was singing along with my hairbrush in my hand dressed in my mother's clothes and high heels, with her lipstick and whipped cream all over my face when she came home from church unexpectedly, so I was "

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 Where the hell r u, he txt me first thing, his time. Good, I txt back. Were you in the gas station last night about midnight, he ask? Were you there? You should know, I replied. I just woke up with Bad Romance playing on my radio, he say we had a power failure last night. I'm not in a good mood. You missing me, I ask? No, he say. Somebody about you height walked in the gas station, but I didn't look so I don't know if it was you or not. I see, I said, no I was in the supermarket at that time. That Bad Romance is a nice song, he say. Is that all, I ask? See you later, he say.



What's this, he ask me? Statue of Liberty, I tell him. It looks like your wig on my face he say? That's not a happy thought I tell him. Who says it is your face? It just another of my jokes, he say. Did you know I had a sense of humour? What happen, I say, You lose it somewhere? There's nothing funny about being laughed at while a dog pisses in your boot, he say. Did you get the smell out, I ask him?  You know what's even funnier, he ask me? No idea, I say. No, that's it, he say. That the whole reason we fought the whole fucking war. Forget about it then, I tell him. Easy for you to say, he say. I can think of nothing else.

 "Miss you monsters.

About 1 month until tour.
Whatdya think of these fake baubles?

Hey, I'm working on a painting of you.

 Hey, I'm working on a painting of you. Right. You fucking woke me up, I told him. Okay, who's complaining he ask me. I'd appreciate it if you realized you are talking to the greatest artist who ever lived, he tries to tell me. Who is full of themselves, I ask him? Name me the ten top artists in teh world, he ask me, and that is me, not even counting music or anything else. Can you prove it I ask him. It is always the way, you don't know what you had until it has gone, he said. All I want to know is which image is you for the sake of history?


Let's have a look at you hand, he say.  You want my hand, I ask? No I want you back he say. Oh, I have the Q ♣, K, KJ A. That's not a winning hand, he say. What you got, I ask. What do I have? My partner have all diamonds, he say. I have all diamond, I say. You think you will get all diamond, he ask? You have jack. You have blood diamond. What you have, I ask?  My partner is raising like crazy, and I'm js going along, I got nothing. Surely not, I say, Can I raise a muffin, he ask me. You want to see my muffin? Cherrie, he say me you better have honey on it. You got any pounds, he say? Yep. Put them in he say. How much, I say? I'm raising you £100 he say, and all Aussie dollars. How many, I ask again? All, he say again. £100 cost $200 Aussie dollars The opposition have possible Q, 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,, or J,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2  or    Q,J,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 or 

possible, J, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,   You got the A,K,Q , I ask him? No, I got no Queen hearts, he say. She missing, you no have her? Who gave me my cards, I ask. I'm dealing, he say. You no cheating are you? No, I'm not looking at cards, he say, I'm an honest dealer in Sun JavaScript, and that all. Then you have the A,K ? I ask. Nobody else here in this game gotem, he say? That jus leave the A,, You have that one too, I say? That's my  full house, he say, happy with it? You keep raising, and I'll ive you 30%. 33.3 I say. We'll see he say.

I'm not even certain I want to be in history, I tell him. You know the funny thing, he ask me? I'm not even going to be remembered for art. I'm going to be remembered in the universe as the guy who discoverd matter. What I say. That is nothing to me. Yes, but the fundamental understanding of light, and teh true nature of God are universal. A discovery has to be put into context, otherwise it has relevance only on one planet, in one galaxy. There is no connection to anywhare else. And you hope to travel to other planets, I asked him? I have already travelled to other planets and other galaxies, he replied. There is but one God, and one Jesus Christ, which is why I find the Judas thing so interesting. You don't believe in God, he asked me. No, I don't think I do, I told him, otherwise I'd be where you are right now. There is time, he replied. I have about 20 more years before I disappear from this world forever. That's a long time, I said, forever. The next 3,000 I've already done he said. I know exactly what is going to happen, then it is Judgement Day, and all sinners will be bannished. Why not do it now, I asked him? I'm not God, he said, and I do not know the mind of God, only God's rules. Now, do you want that painting or not?

Good morning gaga, he called me. In your song, when you say, if you love him, or capital (is that W) HIM, who are you referring to? Is is Jesus? It could be, I said. Both, he asked? Posssibly, I said, what do you think? I'm thinking, one shot, if we don't meet at this concert, and we won't becase you'll be sitting in yor trailer, and I probably won't even find it, and I'll fuck off home, and we'll never meet, but the possibility is we could be great for each other. How do you figure that one out, I asked him? Easily, he said, I know who I am, and what a great person I can be, but I really don't go out of my way to show my beautiful nature to people. It just isn't appropriate. I have to act the wayy everybody else does. When I was 7 I told my mother I was 12, because I felt a lot more mature than teh immature 12 year olds at school. She was 42, and way above average intelligence, and we got along as equals at some levels. Really, I said, I'm surprised you can bear to be around someone like myself. It may take a while, but some of it will rub off, he said. You'll be surprised how much you learn.                        more


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