"It all began in school. It was probaly when I was about 6, maybe less, and still not sure what I wanted to do with my life, but I loved to sing and one day I was singing along with my hairbrush in my hand dressed in my mother's clothes and high heels, with her lipstick and whipped cream all over my face when she came home from church unexpectedly, so I was "

copyright baker publishing

42-44 Spencer Avunue

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No part of this work may be copied or published in a different format, and no part of it quoted even for the purpose of review. without prior written permission from
baker publishing. books, software, media.
42-44 spencer avenue, maketu 3189
New Zealand


 Why, Brad darling, this painting is a MASTERPIECE! My, soon you'll have all of New York clamoring for your work.

 Happy Birthday xx


Madonna & Pink (above)

I'm starting to feel better now, he say, after talking to you. Me too, I say, I sometimes feel alone. With all those friends, he ask? And all those husbands? It's only two, I say. Two Kings, he say. No. Three kings? No, two Kings, possibly, and a knave. The knave of diamonds, he say. You got to go, he ask? No, I'm fine, I say. Not cold, he ask? No, what  you working at? I'm just doing a portrait, he say.

A portrait, I ask? Who? Justin, he say. Justin Beiber, I ask? No, Timberlake. Backstreet's back. Who is backstreet, you, I ask? Could be, he say,. The big cheese.

You're painting a big cheese? Who are you hoping to sell it to, a mouse? No, he said, I'm hoping I won't have to sell it, but if you hear of a mouse with a lot of money, let me know. Hey, what was that you said about adding, what was it, W to capital HIM, I asked? 

 Yes, that's what I said, and I added "Rate your class" to "Race yourr glass" by Pink. She wasn't very happy and keeps changing it back. How do you do that, I ask, do you use software? No, I've been trained for it. I just ask God to do it, because I know I cannot do anything without God. So you ARE religious, I said. Hey, what took you so long, he said? I can tell you didn't believe me I know. Are you Jesus, I asked? I'm not using that name anymore, he said. Jesus' real name was James Virgin. It was a family joke. You know.

About his mother being a Virgin until she was married. My name is Baker, because the Virgins were millers and bakers, it's all in my book. All CDs are blank. But this isn't about me. Tell me about yourself, please?

There is quite a lot on the internet. Do you like Clematis? Is it a disease, I asked? No it's a sheep, he told me. A question, since you're using the name Germmanotti, does it mean you're not married? It sure does. Have I ever seen you.

Me, what, I asked? cry, he said. Yes, I cry, I said, because I'm in love, and love hurts. I know he said, and that's why I like you, because you  are very soft inside, and more vulnerable that other people. And you're not, I said.

Everybody is, he said, but in war you don't have the luxury. That has been my life, leaving my friends and family to go away. People at home, parents feel it more, and that is the reason I

chose not to go into medicine, because I don't like to turn my emotions on and off at the end of the day. And women do, I asked? It is more fitting for a woman to have emotions, and for men to be soldiers, he said. I'd rather not be one, but I'm good at it.

It is no different really, from training to be a great athlete. You must experience pain, but you can remember things, and experience the emotion later. Your brain is like a computer. My brain, is, I asked? Yes all brains work like that he said.

Would you like some software for your birthday? I'm not certain, I have to be honest. Yes, most people don't understand the power of the modern computer. Computers are much more powerful than what we need for the internet. The speed of processing alone is impressive. It is because people see images, and don't

understand how a computer can see the same things we do from just looking at code, 0000s and 111s. 00010 01100001 100 101  0001001101000001110  100 010001 1001100010. Thank you, I said, that's very nice.

So what did you do last night? You know, I don't really care if you don't want to tell me. I'm not the prying type, he said. No, really I don't mind, I said, I want to tell you. Do you mean do I remember any of my dreams? Yes, he said, physical dreams, not, what did I hope to be when I grow up. It seemed so real, I said. I dreamed I was a model for a famous artist. I have no idea how it happened,  but I ended up making love to him, or he was making love to me.  Or perhaps Brad put something in my drink.

shouldn"t have let him because we were going to get married, but I did, he was urgent and then he left. Next thing Brad's friend was there, and before I knew what happened, he was making love to me. It was fantastic. I didn't want to, but I was half asleep. I wonder if I drank too much.

When I drank that last glass of wine I did notice I had a strangely warm feeling, but I put it down to the mood and the music. A piano was tinkling in the distance, like rain, his aroma, like insense, filled my nostrils. But when he was making love to me, I was hit by huge waves of passion, which went on and on. I was riding on a huge stallion a big black panther, and we were crossing fields, and hills and mountains, flying. and on, out into space, diving through galaxies, down into the sea, through forests of soft, swirling  blue kelp. The thing is, I don't really like men, in my dreams, but last night I did. Then I was drowning, in

this huge wave. Brad was standing on the beach, watching us make love, but I thought, "I don't care. I'd rather sink than call Brad for help".  

When we came ashore, Brad was witing for us, a streak of dark hair across one eye and dawn had broken.


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