How do you know about Serena, I asked?

The Road to Angkor describes a remarkable journey on foot from Quy Nhơn in south central Vietnam to the ruins of Angkor Wat in north-west Cambodia. Pym was seeking traces of an ancient road that linked Angkor, the medieval Khmer capital, with the capital of the Champa kingdom in what is now central and southern Vietnam. Chams, modern descendants of this empire, are scattered over central and southern Vietnam, as well as eastern and southern Cambodia. Today they are mainly Muslim, but at the height of the Champa empire, the civilisation was part of ‘Indianised’ south-east Asia. The old Cham script, like Khmer, derived from a southern Indian writing system but has largely fallen into disuse. Yet many customs remain that echo a pre-Muslim past. Relations between Angkor and Champa were variable, and sometimes they were at war, but both shared a common Hindu-derived elite culture.

Pym had two other, lesser, objectives on his journey. He wanted to follow up on the discovery of Neolithic stone tools in the central highlands of Vietnam, hoping for evidence of a wider stone age culture there. And he wanted to visit a village in the highlands where people were descended from a leader named Pim, something that he had read in 19th century French travel stories and which had captured his fancy.

Door lintel, Angkor.

Okay, now if the queen can take the shape of another body, and not everybody can, and this picture of Lady Gaga is a picture of me, not that I'm saying it is, what is to stop the queen being Lady Gaga?

Lady Gaga in the special album of Queen Elizabeth:

In the United Kingdom has released an album which celebrates 60 years of the Reign of Elizabeth II.
Gaga was chosen from 60 photos, the encounter between the two Queens was one of the most honorable and valuable to the Kingdom English.

This and other photographs of Queen Elizabeth will be exhibited at the Royal Palace.

If you look closely you can see my arms and hands.

 However the body is that of a seventy year old. woman.


Who's this, I txt him? This is the Queen, he tell me, or at least one of her avitars. This is one of the Russian Queens, and she is married. She's not Posh Spice tho, I ask him? No he say, but her husband has a job trying to keep other men away, and sometimes even women will take his place. That's unbelievable I say. hold on, he say, theres a lot more.

There's Serena Williams, he said, which gives us a clue about Robbie Williams. How do you know about Serena, I asked? I'm her sister Venus, he said, or rather was in a previous life.


This one, he say, is in the Netherlands. This woman is married to a man she detest, at least the other woman like her husband, but he cannot satisfy her, so she has to tease. This one is different. There is at least one other man who comes in in place of her husband, and he brings his wife in her place, but instead of bringing a prosecution to the cort for rape, because how can a different man not know the woman he is making love to is not his wife, let alone that it is the Queen of England? To be fair to him, and to her, he neve makes love to the Quee, only to his wife in a different body, but quite often they call me in to be the person who poses before the camera. I'm happy to take the place of my wife, or the queen, or even a High Court Judge in a rape, but there is a limit. Once is enough, and this should not become a lifestyle choice as it has. I'll tell you as story about the Cruisifiction of Christ, that not many people know, and also about a Queen who lived in what is today Cambodia, next to Vietnam, the home of the Champa people. Christopher Pym wote a story called, The Road to Angkor Wat.



 The Sabines, together with the Etruscans, the Latins, the Aequi, the Ligurians, the Samnites, the Sabellian and Hernici, among others, were ancient people who inhabited pre-Roman Italy. Its origin can be determined with certainty, but it is believed they were in the Lazio since prehistoric times and, once established the Republic, were assimilated into the culture and became citizens of Rome. They linked the Trojan legend of the creation of Rome.
The Sabines were a cattle town that lived the hills near Rome in Lazio, is located west of the Apennine Mountains, occupying the entire east bank of the river Nera and Velino both sides of (Velinus), up to the Tiber and Aniene (Annius) in the south.
Currently the region inhabited by the Sabines called Sabine. In Roman classical writers cite it as "land of the Sabines" (Sabinorum ager, or Sabinus ager), while the name Sabine or Sabina was given by the Greeks (Σαβινη)


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