You do realize my offer to you has expired, he said. What offer, I asked? On my web site, he said. It was 100 million a year for the next ten years, or until you get married. No I don't recall anything about it, I said. Actually I'm OK for money now anyway, thanks. Too bad, he said. You can never be too rich or too thin. If you believed in the same God and Christ that I do you would have seen it. Pity I didn't then, I said. Now he said, the situation is reversed, and you owe me $1 a month for my internet service. No I don't use your internet service, I said. You use Microsoft Internet Exploder, he asked? Yes, that's it, I said. You look great, by the way, he said. Your latest photos. Thanks, I said.

You seem to be hanging out with a lot of old men, he said. Older than you, I asked? At least 10 years older than me, he said, but you don't love them. And I love you, I asked? Everybody loves me he said quietly. Everybody who has met me. Everybody except you, and my neighbour who thinks I'm crazy. And why would that be I said? Because I'm a great artist, he said.

Here's a pic of me with some of the All Blacks That's Sir Graham Henry on the right, and Sonney Bill Williams next to him. I don't know who all the other ones are, Richie McCaw I think is one, but he's not here. Doesn't play tennis. These guys don't either. They all know who my boyfriend is, they call him the globe trotter and were asking me about him, and why he's not here. He had a prior engagement. And my dad. They were asking me if I am in love with him, my boyfriend I mean, not my dad. I said of course, unless he finds someone else. What would I do then they said? Well the world isn't exactly running out of guys falling over to marry me is it?

I just made a joke how someone told me Sir Graham, he isn't a Sir Graham yet in this photo, went to the zoo and saw a camel. Apparently it had its back legs crossed. A couple of the guys didn't think it's funny., especially Conrad Smith, who didn't believe me. I think he deserves a knighthood just for that alone.

 You can keep your computer's clock accurate by resetting it to he said. My computer's clock is accurate, I said.

How do you know, he asked? There are two clocks, one is set to Radio New Zealand time, the other is New Earth Time. My computer is set to the official time, I said. But you will find that your computer's clock is running slower than the radio by about one second a day, he said. You are not going to win this point, I said, I use my cell phone, and it keeps perfect time. Not if it is running Java, he said. There was a Java upgrade last night. What did it do I asked?  It meant you had to upgrade your flash player, he said. I'm not sure if I have one I said. Your computer does I said Computer time is now 12.29.50 while cell phone time is 12.36. I don't understand, I said.What's the difference? If your computer clock is set to New Earth Time at 00.00, you won't have to adjust it every few weeks to correct it. Nope, I said, I don't get it. Well, he said, when your computer says 5 pm, and your cell phone says it id 5.20, you will.

Serena and Venus discussing tactics. I think Serena definitely is the boss in that relationship.

 I have so moved on, I said. In what way he said. I don't know I said. This tennis life is so hard. I know what you mean he said. The pressure on you must be relentless. It's not only that I said, I hardly ever have any time for myself.

One of my favourite Van Gogh masterpieces. Notice the blue hills symbolic of trees, merging into the sky, with stars, or a supernova, and the tall tree representing the school and the path to learning. The golden fields are waving like an ocean in the wind. I just love it when an artist captures movement. And the corn is ripe ready for harvest and will soon be ground into flour and made into cakes. In teh foreground you an see wild flowers, and there is a path leading into the corn and down to th river. Beautiful. Van Gogh believed the common people had a hard life, but with potatoes to eat were happy in their hearts.


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