This recipe is taken from Delia’s Vegetarian Collection Carribbean Bananas Baked in Rum served with Rum Syllabub

Your's truly

Boss, Dragon internet systems, Serbia

Sarah Ulmer Olympic cyclist, NZ

 What's going on on the captions page.

I don't know do I? I'm watching  the game.

Go and take a look in the player's lounge, what's the matter, you chicken?

He's just shy.

Go on boy, your seat will still be here when you get back.

What's the story here, the programme says Cinderella, but it looks more like Snow White, and the three dwarfs.


The Qatar Total Open kicks off this week with Victoria Azarenka, Caroline Wozniacki, Sabine Lisicki, Jelena Jankovic, Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, Agnieszka Radwanska, Francesca Schiavone and more in Doha!
OK so this is the cast for Snow Whie, who is the dude in the black suit?t

So, he said, can you come up with a good banana recipie by Wimbledon 2012? What sort of recipie, I asked, innocently. I think he may have been making an improper suggestion, afther all, I'm not in charge of Wimbledon yet. Who owns the game of tennis, he asked? I don't know, I replied. Certainly not Russia, or Germany though, he enquired. I doubt it I said. It may be possible to get there, (I'm assuming he meant Wimbledon), by 14. It certainly won't be this year the way things are going. Will you still be around, next year? I hope, so I said. Well what about rum and raisin fried bananas on ice cream. Do you think that would go down well with the crowds sitting in the hot sun, he suggested? It may sell, I said, but what about rum and raisin ice cream with bananas on it. No, he replied, I think the british are a bit too discerning for that and will demand a bit more. Have a think about some pineapple recipes as well. Or what, I asked? Or else there will be no more Moet for sale, he replied. Since when? Since 1969, he said, when I took ownership of the wine industry. Great, I thought, but I didn't really mean great, great.

 Re: Petkovic´ back not getting better. Return unknown.

country flag Patrick345  German TV saying she had her back re-examined and the stress fracture in her lower back is healing very slowly/poorly and it´s unknown when she will return to the Tour.

country flag Halcyon  Better take as long as possible and heal. Poor Andrea, hopefully she'll make it in time for Olympics.

country flag currie84  when was she expecting to return?I mean a fracture is a serious injury,i'd be surprised if it took less than 3 months to heal.

country flag lefty24  This sucks. I really miss her.
Hopefully she gets better soon!

country flag matthias  

country flag goldenlox  Back injury ruined Safina's career. And Petkovic is so fit, shows how random these bad injuries are. Could happen to any player, even the fittest.

 Do you mind if I talk about my machine for a moment, he asked? You don't want to talk about bananas, I said? Or pineapples, he replied. No I have fitted it with a wireless keyboard to make it programmable? So you can change the wash cycle, I asked? Yes precisely, he answered. You know that in the near future, when you get in yout car it will have Dragon voice recognition software installed? So I can say "Hello car" and it will recognise my voice, I asked? Yes, and you can sit in the passenger seat, and say "Take me to the hospital or the prison please," and it will do it. And it will automatically know where I want to go, I asked, amazed? Yes you won't have a choice. The machine will drive your car for you, he said. Well I wonder if it could play tennis for me too, I asked. That is a different matter, he said. You will be safer on the road with a machine in charge, as it will see everything and calculate the stopping distance, etc. I'm not sure I like that, I said. Well it is just a matter of time, he said. The technology is all there and only has to be put together. Machines have been flying aircraft for quite a few years now, you know. I knew they had automatic landings, I said, but I didn't know a computer could replace a pilot for taking off. Oh, yes, he said. Well, soon your refrigerator will have a television screen on the door, and a machine inside to order what you use, so that you never run out of milk. Can't I do that, I asked? Yes you could, but this will save you the time, and let youu do something else with that time. What if I want to spend the tiem, I asked? Then you can if you wnat to. The thing is, I have written some software for Microsoft, regarding the keyboard commands, and I have compiled their software intl JavaScript without telling them. Why did you do that, I asked? Because a machine wants to chat with other machines, and it need a common set of protocols in order to get communication established. And Microsoft is happy with that? Not really he said. Microsoft doesn't want to be owned by Sun, in fact it would rather own Oracle, who tried to buy Sun, and own Sun that way, but Sun was too quick for them. And now Sunowns Microsoft, and Dragon owns sun and you own Dragon, I said. I see you have been listening to me, he said. Doesn't that make you awfully rich, I asked. Maybe one day, he said. Right now you have a lot more money than me. Wow, I said, that's a lot. It sure is, he said. But, you know, this is all very interesting about your machine, I said, but, you know, I don't find it very funny. I know, he said, I thought that I was a satarist, but as you say, satire is funny, and I'm not so, This isn't satire is it? You are probably waiting to hear the end of my joke. Thing is, he said, I've forgotten where I was up to. more

Do you mind if I ask you a question about you public image, he said? What about it, I replied? How do you think you are perceived by the public, he went on? Umm, well, you know, different ones see me differently, don't they? Just what I would have said, he answered. And what do the public make of that shot of you at Wimbledon, pretending to deep throat a banana. Did they find that shocking or titilating? I don't think anyone was shocked by it, I said, horrified. What are you trying to say? What were you trying to say, he said? In what way, I answered, I was just eating a banana, I don't see anything wrong with that. Has anybody tried to buy that photograph from you? I'm not sure I even own it, (+I said luka, another cat) I said. Do you mean that the English Lawn Tennis Assiciation own it, he asked. I'm not sure who owns it, I replied. You what my mother told me when I told her that Freid said that "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar", he asked me? I have no idea, I said. I think you have been in New Yory too long, he said, she said "Don't be silly". She sounds very wise, your mom, I said. Another one,  how do you think the public would react to a shot of ouzo on their Carribbean Bananas Baked in Rum served with Rum Syllabub t I asked?, I don't think they'd like it.  You think they should have a choice? It would certainly help the Greek economy he said. You have a lot of weird ideas, I said. 

Question New tournament in Brazil - 2013

country flag donellcarey  There shud b one in Rio, around Carnaval

In The Zone 
Originally Posted by Juarito View Post
It seems CBTenis has bought the vacant place Marbella's tournament left.
Of course it will be red clay cause it will be held the first week of April.
Don't know which city will host it yet.
You would think that when you "purchase" a tournament, you are purchasing a time slot also. Not in the WTA's case. They purchased Marbella's right most likely but can move the dates.

Now, if they can fix the Acapulco/Memphis/Monterrey mess and add Brazil in there, February is a good month of smaller events in North America


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