
Index letters

Minister the other letter is here

Mr Malcolm James Lorenzo Baker

42 Spencer Avenue

Maketu 3189

New Zealand

Minister Education

Parliament Buildings


Dear Minister,

I'm loving it

 Your letter arrived today, and you say you couldn't find the link. I'm sending it again, and putting links on these pages http://www.thebakerstory.yolasite.com/gagaagain21 and www.rainierbank.biz 

What I think I want from the government, and I'm not prepared to negotiate, is £100 per copy of my software which means £100 or about $220.00 per mouse. Count the mice, and you will have the number of copies. It is all explained on the site.

Malcolm Baker


Why is this horrible image here? It is because I wrote to McDonalds asking if they would like to pay to advertise in my magazine, the Journal of Crime and punishment. I also informed them,or started a debate about the fact that I have an intellectual property claim over the name McDonald's. I didn't go into details, but their lawyers wrote back to me. That probably cost them a couple of hundred dollars to start with. The refuted my claim without hearing what it was, and asked to see a free copy of my magazine. There are several editions in print, but none of them is free and they didn't offer me any money, even though some only cost $10. The most expensive- December 28th  costs $1,000 and comes with a limited edition print of a painting.

Anyway they also wrote to Guardian Trust, because when the property management order came up for review, Guardian Trust sent a doctor out to my house to assess my mental health state (I'm officially gaga, or legally non-compos mentis and cannot make a will or any legal documents or form a legal contract or file a court case) he (Dr Kumar) was aware of my letter to McDonalds and he asked me if writing letter claiming copyright was appropriate. It was one of teh things which counted against me, by I and my doctor (my GP) are not allowed to see his medical report. I have other reports from other doctors going back to 1991 giving me a clean bill of mental health, even though the police believed they had the authority to detain me on mental health grounds.    

Stan Eminem


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