Mr Malcolm Baker,

42 Spencer Avenue

Maketu 3189

Speaker of the House of Parliament

Dr Rt Hon. Lockwood Smith MP

Parliament Buildings


4th March 2012

Dear Sir,

A copy of this letter is here:

Some time ago I wrote to Tau Henare M.P. with a question about dual voting, and said if he refused to answer directly I would be raising the matter with yourself, as Speaker, so that is what I am doing.

In 1991 I met a woman names Sera, a Korean woman, who I met in Pusan South Korea and we agreed to get married, undortunately although she said she was an American citizen, she claimed not to have a passport, and instead wanted to travel on my passport, which I don't think we can do, even if we are married, which we were not.

She was trrip searched as we were leaving South Korea, to board the ferry to Japan, and she was fingerprinted prior to being arrested by the officials in the ferry lounge.

Now, I believe the Queen of England is entitled to travel without a passport. This woman although she did not look like the Queen of England, never the less had the same fingerprints. If you do not believe me, please check, but you will find she has "whirls" which are like a target; concentric circles.

This raises the question of who is the real person if two people look the same?

Surely they can be identified by their fingerprints. No two people have the same fingerprints, and people who do have the same fingerprints are the same person. There may be exceptions, but I do not know of any.

This brings us to the situation of dual voting. Is a person entitled to vote twice? If they are resident in the United Kingdom, can tehy vote there, and for instance be a member if the New Zealand Parliament for instance? I have a friend Gavin Chapman who lives in Harrogate in the United Kingdom. Can he vote in New Zealand and the UK?

Now, you may say it is not possible for a person to inhabit two bodies. I am saying that it is, and it is about time that we dealt with the fact. A person is a soul, and a body. If I am born, I have no control over which body my soul inhabits, and neither can I help it if my soul passes to another body. I'm suggesting that you speak to Murray McCully and Tau Henare, and ask them if they are prepared to answer questions under oath, and submit to a fingerprint test. if you are not I shall take this higher, and to the Speaker of teh House at Westminster. There is another person I know who is also the Queen of England, one who stands in for her when she cannot be present, and one who is a relative of mine, and who lives in New Zealand, and presumably votes, as her husband does.

Thank you. I trust this does not tax your intellect to much.

Malcolm James Baker.

copy to Tau Henare.




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