Origin: Soviet Union, first flight believed 1965.

Type: All weather interceptor

Engines: Two Tumanski afterburning turbojets, (A-D) 13,668lb (6.2t) R-11F2-300, (E-F) 15,875lb (7.2t) R-13F2-300.

Avionics:  - the main radar is certainly large and powerful, with 200kW sent out via inverted Cassegrain aerials with hydraulic scanning and a CW illuminion mode for use with radar guided AAMs.

The radar operates in I-band (3.3cm) with PRF said to be in the band 2.7 to 3.0kHz. Range in good weather is typically 50 miles (80km) against fighter size taargets, and since 1982 there is evidence that a VAS (visual augmentation system) has been added. No IR sensor has been seen on Su-15s.




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