
    E = 2(mc2)?

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What does it mean 
E = 2(mc2) ?
Can E be both = mc2        and =  2(mc2)?

Using special relativity and general relativity I do believe it can.
How is this? By the end of this short educational thesis I will have explained it as I understand it. Those physicists who do not believe me, please do not trouble yourselves to correct me because that is not the purpose of this work. Just as I know God exists, and I know who I am, I cannot be bothered arguing with those who insist God does not exist, and have a valid right to believe it. It is their truth, and just as real to them as my truth is to me. Rome wasn't built in a day. You don't become instanty educated overnight, it takes at least 20 years of careful study.

If all protons are the same, why is there no common factor between all elements, considering the fact that all atoms are a combination of protons and neutrons? You would think that with Hydrogen representing 1, (1 proton in the nucleus), that all protons would have equal (atomic weight), whereas in reality, Chlorine 35.453(2) has almost 35.5 as an atomic weight. My model of the nucleus has a group of either three or five, (leaning to the idea of five over three) sub-atomic (compressed atoms- with the energy equivalent of an atom), particles in the nucleus.
To this end, the first step is to balance the orces, proton for proton, neutron for neutron with another level inside the atom, (and on the next page we will discuss how this is so), which is another dimension, the fourth dimension, not actually flat, or just an area (length by breadth), but three dimensional, but inside the proton and neutron. We are taking simple steps so you can easily understand the concept.
It leads to the equation E = 2.5( 2(mc2)) and then possibly E= 5 x 2.5 x 2(mc2). This is vastly more energy than simply E  = mc2

what happens in square (flat or two dimensional) space if we introduce the reliationship of 1 to 2 to the relationship of 1 to 4?

Imagine that this represents an electron. The electron is in the centre, and is linked to (orbits) a proton. What are the other spheres?


Diag 5 Centre of a Helium nucleus.


 A sphere can also be defined as the surface formed by rotating a circle about any diameter. If the circle is replaced by an ellipse, and rotated about the major axis, the shape becomes a prolate spheroid, rotated about the minor axis, an oblate spheroid.




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