Malcolm James Baker facebook page


42-44 Spencer Avenue,

Hillview Court,

Maketu 3189,

New Zealand.

HRH, Prince William,

Clarence House,


United Kingdom.

27th January 2012.


Sorry about the informal address. Glad you received my postcard.

Last year I sent a letter to Harry, your brother, detailing a plan for a jordanian attack on teh Gaza Strip. As you know, or may not, Israel, (Zion) has a long history if war, trying to establish a homeland, from being taken slaves by Egypt, the excape under Moses, then fighting for a home, being taken into slavery again by the Romans, after the death of Jesus, and WWII, the death camps under the Nazis, the six day air war and another war with Egypt, Skud missiles from Irag and so on. Now they are facing threats from Iran, with a nuclear strike as soon as that country gets an atomic bomb. You may not know it but he 9/11 attack on New York was by Palestinians who want a homeland, land taken from them after World War II. Why should not he laws of Palestine and Israel be the same? most Palestinians and Jews live happily side by side, whether in the Gaza Strip or in Israel. The problem is the fact that there are two palestines, divided by Jewish territory which they must cross to get to the Gaza Strip.

You may think I am nobody, but I am not.

Some weeks ago I wrote to the queen informing her that we, (the royal family and I, including my family) are partners in providing internet services because of something called BitCom, a pre-cursor to the internet which was modem software. The software was supposed to be provided free with teh old type of modem, but BitCom never paid me, and I still own it. It (the manual) is published (after being archived and unarchieved, -not a difficult task, but one impossible to accomplish without infringing copyright), in a card board cover featuring four colours, one of which is Royal Blue, the colour of the Royal Yacht Britannia, and which is a registered property of the Royal Family. Check it but you find I am correct. It is my intention to make an offer to your wife's family which is seperate from any offer made to the Royal Family regarding internet business, as all my businesses are in one of three categories: Books, Media, ncluding publishing magazines, newspapers, radio, television, theatre etc., and internet. My belief is I own sun corp. and JavaScript, wholly and exclusively. I'm still single.

Getting back to Montgomery, the Field Marshall. He made his palns clear to his soldiers. Both they and the enemy knew the basic plan, if not the strategy and the tactics. Regarding Israel and Palestine, I expect Jordan to mass tanks on the border with srael, and to attack without air cover and to take the Gaza strip, driving all the civillians into Egypt. The war will take a few weeks to months, and losses will be minimal as anybody who flies the white flag will be respected. The objective is to have one state of Israel, and one Palestinian state, and teh victory will be won through war. No aricraft will be operating over the field of battle, and anti tank missiles will be minimal. Anti aircraf missiles will be used. You will take teh Israeli side, and America will back Jordon, selling them any tanks they need, up to about 600. This was supposed to have been organised and over by Christmas, and celebrated with a peace celebration, but sombody chose to ignore me or work against me.

Remember, that when you father Charles was on active service in Europe recently, Hungary was it?, it was me who acted as his bodyguard protectiing his life. He is in command on teh field, and anybody who opposes him is a traitor, and will not prevail. You may think this sound simplistic, but war is not a complicated thing. Men died, victory is achieved. It ends. I don't even have an income at this point. I'm being tolsd I am not allowed to marry, not even your grandmother. It is outrageous, because even if you don't know the truth, I do. You amy say anything you like but it will not change the facts. perhaps you are well insulated and protected in your ivory tower, but I am one who has to watch his "girlfriend" being raped, and nobody will assist. Do you think that is fair? I have had to watch a Judge being raped, and the government will not accept the facts or try the case because somebody may lose face. There are a lot worse things than being the victim of a physical assault, and one of them is watching teh guilty go free when they should be behind bars. I know you would not tolerate it if it happened to somebody you love, why is it different if it happens to somebody you don't know? Wake up man. Show some fortitude. You are not that little baby we saw crawling around on a rud with its mother so many years ago.

One thing is certain, the Russians have a very good airforce, with a manufacturing base in India where costs are less. They have an export quality which is less capability than their own aircraft have. The basic airframes are adequate for a stand off fighter, and aviaonics can be easily updated. China can produce their aircraft at a price about 10% of what England must pay. Pakistan is a natural market for them. China can easily produce and service 70,000 aircraft if they need to. Russian aircraft are the ones the middle east should adopt, but american ones would be adequate, if inferior, and more expensive also. What is important is the IFF  (Identification Friend or Foe) which all military aircraft carry, so it is easy to patrol national boundaries. What I'm saying is, check ot the book by Mike Spick and Bill Gunston, and see if it doesn't make sense to have trained and capable pilots in all countries, rather than trying to rely on the Americans to do everything. Without an export market, research is difficult  to justify, but Governments should buy their arms from other givernments, not private enterprise.

I think that is enough. I hpe you can get the job done before teh Olympics, it won't be easy, but there are still two or thre months, which should be enough time.

All teh best.

Yours sincerely,

Malcolm James Baker.


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