Mr Malcolm James Lorenzo Baker

42 Spencer Avenue

Maketu 3189

New Zealand

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. John Key M.P.

Parliament Buildings

Wellington (by postcard)

Copies Hon. Murray McCully M.P.

Tau Henare M.P. Hon. Bill English M.P. Minister of Police.

14th April 2014

Dear Sir,

It has been a while since I wrote to you about the matter of an incident in which I allege that a High Court Judge may have been threatened, on tape, with a gun, and then raped by Mr John Patterson. My allegation is that this happened on or about the night of the 27th August 2008. Has your investigation and interviewing of the complainant Judge Annis E Sommervill led to any new information either way, and has your investigation led you to also interview Mr Clive Taylor, lawyer and partner in Bell Gully, Auckland, a school friend of mine from Pongakawa School, and Te Puke High Schhol, a scholarship student, and his wife, who may have been present after the event, and briefly in possession of evidence, namely the dictaphone on which the threat was recorded?

Have the police, namely the Deputy Commissioner of Police, the third one, not one of the two existing ones, interviewed Dr Rees who lives in Te Puke, regarding two murders and a rape which he admitted to me in 2008? (The day of the funeral of John Marshall, if I have the year wrong. It is my suggestion that the Deputy Commissioner visit him every Tuesday morning to see if his memory has improved, and by the second visit you may well find he has recovered his health and his senses. It is important that this "doctor" wh often wanders off and impersonates other people, be fingerprinted in custody to establish his true identity, and when he admits murder, that his medical practitioners licence be removed from him permanently as he is very dangerous, and has the police scared of him, to teh point that they refuse to interview him even though he admits the crimes openly.

Yours sincerely

Malcolm James Lorenzo Baker.



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